Behind the Scenes: Rebeca Flott
Behind the Scenes: Rebeca FlottThe Story Behind My Business Name: Rebeca Flott Arts ⁃ Happy Monday! You all have probably been wondering “where does the name Rebeca Flott Arts come from?” for a while. Well, to be totally honest, it’s a very funny story. ⁃ I had been running at...
Amazon Handmade - Camp Handmade Feature Artisan
Hey you guys! I just recently did an interview with the lovely Rachel Pitzel Camp Handmade for Amazon Handmade (@amazonhandmade) and would love for you guys to see it! Camp Handmade is a showcase of handmade goods created by makers and creators who love what they do! I am so...
Four Steps to turn your Dream into Reality
After many years of trying and dreaming, I am excited to be the voice on the other side of the story…. I hear so many people with hopes and dreams for “some day”. I meet people that have these amazing dreams that they put off until they are in a...